2022 Student Conference
Monday, July 11, 2022 • 8:30 am – 5:00 pm ET
Maynard Okereke, the Hip Hop M.D.
Featuring Keynote Speaker Maynard Okereke, the Hip Hop M.D., PLUS: lab tours, panel discussions, workshops, student poster presentations, and more!
The 2022 NMEA Student Conference will be on Monday, July 11th, 8:30am-5:15pm EDT. This year's conference is being offered in hybrid form; we welcome you to join us in person at Hofstra University, NY or virtually using Zoom videoconferencing and the Whova App.
We are looking for students (age 13 and up) who would be interested in sharing a project they have been working on related to the marine environment. Please use this form to submit your presentation for consideration..
Student conference registration is $20 for in-person and $10 for virtual access. Scholarships are available; please email mmarrero3@mercy.edu for more information. Must be an NMEA student member to register: join or renew for $5 until June 8 by using the OCEANDECADE discount code!
The schedule and links for the student conference are available here.
8:30 am ET | Registration/Check-In and Welcome |
9:00–10:30 | Panel Discussion with Emilie McGlone, Director of Peace Boat U.S., Robina Taliaferrow, Director of Community Engagement for the Billion Oyster Project, and Dr. Logan Brenner, Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at Barnard College and the PI of the Brenner Lab |
10:35–11:15 | Exhibit Hall |
11:20–12:20pm | Lab tours/Networking Time |
12:25–1:10 | Lunch |
1:15–1:45 | Student Poster Sessions |
Keynotes & Plenaries
Special Events