A Handbook for Increasing Ocean Literacy

A Handbook for Increasing Ocean Literacy: Tools for Educators and Ocean Literacy Advocates was developed by the National Marine Educators Association, with the support of NOAA, to help educators and other ocean advocates teach, learn, and communicate about the ocean. It provides a much needed resource comprising two highly regarded tools to use alongside Ocean Literacy: The Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts for All Audiences (NOAA, 2020) to advance ocean literacy. This handbook is intended to foster the conversation on Ocean Literacy and bring us closer to our collective goal of global ocean literacy. Included are the 28 conceptual flow diagrams of the Ocean Literacy Scope and Sequence for Grades K–12, an article explaining the theoretical basis for the scope and sequence, the Ocean Literacy Alignment to Next Generation Science Standards, as well as brief explanations about how to use these tools, their origins, and purposes. The handbook replaces the seminal publication Ocean Literacy Campaign Special Report #3 (NMEA, 2010).

The downloaded Handbook can be used with screen readers for increased accessibility. In addition, each section of the Scope and Sequence is available in two versions: a version with information presented as conceptual flow diagrams and a version that includes the same information organized in an accessible table format that can be used with screen readers.

Hard copies can be requested from NOAA's Outreach Office by emailing nmea@marine-ed.org with the name, mailing address, and number of copies requested. Due to an ongoing renovation project, staff are able to make shipments approximately once per week. We can usually fulfill requests within a month, often faster. Thank you for your patience.

This publication is an endorsed activity supporting the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.


For those interested, the links below provide individual sections of the Handbook for download, rather than downloading the entire Handbook.

Full publication (PDF, 32MB)

Front matter (PDF, 757KB)

Developing Ocean Literacy Ideas Using Conceptual Flow Diagrams  (PDF, 266KB)

Scope and Sequence for Grades K-2 (PDF, 4.4MB)

Scope and Sequence for Grades 3-5 (PDF, 9.3MB)

Scope and Sequence for Grades 6-8 (PDF, 9.9 MB)

Scope and Sequence for Grades 9-12  (PDF, 16.4MB)

Alignment of the Ocean Literacy Framework to the NGSS (PDF, 405 KB)

End Matter (PDF, 511KB)