NMEA Webinar Archive
Curiosity to Careers: Engaging People of Color in STEM
February 8, 2019 • Dr. Dijanna Figueroa
In this webinar we will explore
The stories of people of color in STEM
Developing and implementing strategies for engaging and retaining students of color in STEM
Using the power of curiosity, storytelling, and mentorship to teach science to diverse audiences
Citizen Science on the Beach: Research and Outreach with California Grunion
May 9, 2019 • Dr. Karen Martin (Pepperdine University) and Melissa Studer (Beach Ecology Coalition)
The spectacular midnight runs of California Grunion are well known to Californians. This endemic silverside fish, found only off California and Baja California, shares critical spawning habitat with millions of beach goers along one of the world’s most heavily populated coastlines. Spawning occurs during spring and summer, the times of heaviest human use. Although regulations offer some protection, human impacts on California Grunion include a recreational fishery with bare-handed catching, and habitat loss from shoreline armoring and beach erosion. This webinar will examine the adaptations and adventures of these amazing fish in the California beach sand, and the influence of citizen scientists called Grunion Greeters on beach management and protection of this charismatic species.
Vaquita: The world’s most endangered marine mammal
April 17, 2019 • Dr. James Danoff-Burg (The Living Desert)
Dr. James Danoff-Burg, Director of Conservation at The Living Desert, discusses conservation efforts for the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. Webinar is suitable for classrooms and individuals.