Member-only Scholarship Information

Member-only Scholarship Program

The scholarship program was created by the NMEA Board of Directors in 1995 to assist members in attending the annual conference. Scholarship awards are available for NMEA members living in the U.S. or abroad. The annual NMEA auction, held at each annual conference, helps support the funding for these scholarships. Applicants must be NMEA members in good standing. Chapter membership is a plus, but not required. Scholarship awards range from $500 - $1500.

As the recipient of a NMEA conference scholarship I am writing to endorse this wonderful scheme in the strongest possible terms. Even though I live outside the USA I have attended a number of NMEA conferences and have found that these conferences have had a strong positive influence on my own professional development. I have always financed my own travel to NMEA conferences and receiving the support of a scholarship was critical in encouraging me to continue to attend in the following years. Thanks NMEA.

~International Member—Australia

Selection and Award

Application: Applications for this year’s conference are due by February 14, 2025. All applications that are received by the deadline are eligible for consideration.

Criteria: Scholarship awards are based on financial need of the applicant. Geographical location and order of receipt of the completed applications are not considered in the decision to award scholarships.

Eligibility: Applicant must be an NMEA member in good standing. Chapter membership is a plus, but not required. NMEA officers, other voting members of the Board of Directors, Institutional or Corporate members, and NMEA Annual Conference Scholarship recipients within the past two NMEA Annual Conferences are ineligible.

Selection: Applications for NMEA scholarships are confidential and will be seen only by reviewers for the NMEA Scholarship Committee. Applicant names will be shared with the NMEA National Office to verify membership and with the NMEA treasurer for payment. Committee decisions will be made and all applicants will be notified approximately one month after the scholarship application deadline, in order to be able to register before the early bird registration deadline. If you are awarded a scholarship and cannot attend the conference please notify NMEA’s Executive Administrator as soon as possible so the award can be given to the next qualified applicant.

Award: Successful applicants will receive a scholarship ranging from $500 - $1500 to help cover registration and travel costs for the NMEA Annual Conference. Scholarship awardees will receive the award as a check at or mailed after the conference. Successful applicants will have 90 days after the last day of the conference to submit all paperwork and receipts to receive the scholarship reimbursement check.

For more information on the conference, please visit the conference website.