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Spend World Ocean Day with NMEA!


NMEA 101 and Conference Update Webinar

Do you want to learn more about the National Marine Educators Association? Are you looking to become more active in the organization? Do you wonder what NMEA is doing to advance our mission around the world? Please join us on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM ET to learn about NMEA's history, current projects, and future goals, and how you can become more involved.

Participants will also hear from the 2021 Conference Planning team and learn what to expect from NMEA’s first ever virtual conference, which will focus on “Your Connection to Water!”

NMEA Membership is required to register. This year, NMEA is pleased to offer a $20 discount on membership to support those who have been impacted by the pandemic. Use the code OCEANDECADE when you join or renew to take advantage of this offer, or contact your chapter rep or president for a deeper discount for members of our regional chapters.