CBNERR Education Programs Succeed During COVID-19
Sarah Nuss
Education Coordinator
Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Gloucester Point, Virginia
CBNERR hosted a presentation on wetland importance after Story Time with one of their marine educators
With many other environmental education organizations moving online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia (CBNERR) education team followed suit, developing two new online programs, and working with partners at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) to provide content for teachers, students, and the general public each weekday. CBNERR educators created “Story Time,” geared towards younger audiences and includes a reading of a marine related children’s book followed by a demonstration, activity, or craft for participants to do at home. “What’s Going On At CBNERR” shares resources and informational videos on current projects conducted by our research and stewardship departments. While informal environmental education values hands-on learning, CBNERR has been successful at continuing to connect with our audiences through virtual programming. To view our virtual programs, visit our Facebook page daily at or the Virginia Institute of Marine Science's multimedia resource page at
Sarah was recognized at the Hampton Roads Alliance for Environmental Educators for "Doing Great Things" in 2018
Sarah hosting an exhibit for VIMS at a Women in STEM Event
Sarah with her favorite students to teach—her twin girls Maggie and Claire—at the Virginia Living Museum shark exhibit
As the Education Coordinator for the CBNERR, Sarah works with students, teachers, and the general public, teaching them about the Chesapeake Bay. CBNERR specializes in meaningful watershed educational experiences (MWEEs) for students, including hands-on summer camps, and helping teachers and pre-service teachers conduct MWEEs with their students.