Ocean Literacy/Great Lakes Literacy - NMEA Chapter Champions
NMEA is looking to identify an Ocean/Great Lakes Literacy Champion in each chapter who is charged with promoting Ocean/Great Lakes Literacy (OL/GLL) among their chapter’s members and regional audiences. Please indicate your interest by completing this form.
Each OL/GLL Champion will commit to accomplish something tangible in their region or chapter that does one or more of the following:
Fosters Ocean Literacy and the use of the Ocean Literacy Framework within the Chapter.
Shares Ocean Literacy and UN Ocean Decade updates with Chapter members.
Encourages Chapter Board to host Ocean Literacy workshops and/or sessions at Chapter conferences/meetings.
Encourages Chapter members to host professional learning on Ocean Literacy to their peers (including state departments of education where possible) and/or within their workplaces (e.g., schools, aquarium, science center).
Promotes Ocean Literacy among Blue Economy industries (aquaculture, fishing, ports, shipping, etc.).
Connects with like-minded organizations to increase reach.
Helps promote USA Blue Schools.
OL/GLL Champions will participate in virtual meetings with the NMEA Ocean Literacy committee to share what people are doing, answer questions, and provide updates from around the world. The OL Committee/Leadership will discuss ideas and mentor OL/GLL champions as they implement their action project. NMEA may provide financial support to chapter OL/GLL champions depending on NMEA annual budgets.
A variety of resources and prior examples are available to assist with planning and implementation:
Ocean Literacy webinar series—three-part series explores the Ocean Literacy Scope and Sequence for Grades K–12, builds participant's familiarity and understanding of the OL NGSS alignment tool, and provides examples of how educators, scientists, and policy makers have deployed the OL Framework and the NGSS Alignment document
Ocean Literacy Presentation Kit—a comprehensive presentation (including slides, process agenda, script, handouts) on Ocean Literacy that highlights the entire suite of resources available to share the Ocean Literacy Framework with all audiences
Sample workshops and events: