Hosting an Instagram Takeover

  1. Type of takeover
    1. Full access: you’ll be given a temporary password in order to log into the NMEA Instagram account for the duration of your takeover. You’ll have full access to post images, videos, stories, and even go live from our account!
    2. Virtual access: you send your photos and videos along with the accompanying captions to and I will post them for you during your takeover. You get to share your voice and perspective, but won’t have to log in. You can create Instagram stories in your mobile app and then save them and send them to me for posting. You wouldn’t be able to go live from our account or respond to comments or responses.
  2. Length of takeover
    1. All week: you can post anytime throughout the week that you are featured.
    2. Part of the week: if you've got a special event or program happening during your week, you can take over our Instagram to share during your event!
    3. One day: you can choose one day during your featured week to take over and highlight your self and your work (for example, #takeovertuesday)
  3. NMEA Social Media guidelines
    1. Have fun, share your personality, get creative and be resourceful
    2. Be consistent with NMEA mission and voice (focus is on marine/aquatic education and related topics)
    3. Political rhetoric, NSFW (not safe for work) content, random and irrelevant uploads are not appropriate