Johnette D. Bosarge Memorial Award

Through the Years | Conferences | Presidents | Awards | Stegner Lecture | The Pike

2023 None
2022 Carol Steingart (ME)
2021 Maile Sullivan (WA)
2020 Becky Cox (TN)
2019 Carrie Carlin (VA)
2018 Jenny Cook (AL)
2017 Chris Petrone (DE)
2016 Charlene Mauro (FL)
2015 Lauren Rader (CT)
2014 Sarah Richards (NY)
2013 Beth Jewell (VA)

This is an award in loving memory of Johnette D. Bosarge, who served as our administrative assistant from 1999-2013. This is an annual, monetary award in the amount of $500 to be used as the recipient deems appropriate for attending the annual NMEA Conference and/or in the recipient’s formal or informal facility for educational purposes. A sea star sculpture containing the recipient’s name will also be presented during the Awards Ceremony at the annual NMEA Conference.

2021—Maile Sullivan (WA)

2017—Chris Petrone (DE)

2020—Becky Cox (TN)

2015—Lauren Rader (CT)

2019—Carrie Carlin (VA)

2014—Sarah Richards (NY)