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32nd NMEA Conference
July 23-27, Portland, Maine
Theme: Downeast 2007...Ideas, Innovations, and Inspirations
Executive Committee
President: Thaxter Tewksbury (CT) (2006-2007)
President-Elect: Lynn Whitley (CA)
Past President: Sarah Schoedinger (NC)
Treasurer: Don Hudson (ME)
Secretary: Beth Jewell (VA)
Membership Secretary: Sharon Walker (MS)
Administrative Assistant (National Office): Johnette Bosarge (MS)
Editor of Current: Lisa Tooker (CA)
Editor of NMEA news: Valerie Winn (MS)
Board of Directors:
(2004-07) Beth Day-Miller (VA),
(2005-2007) Shelia Brown (MS),
(2005-2008) Tami Lunsford (DE), Amy Miller-Gollenberg (HI), Eric Simms (NJ/CA),
(2006-2008) Mellie Lewis (MD), (2006-2009) Amy Holt Cline (NH), Padgett Kelly (TN), Craig Strang (CA).
(2007-2010) Joy Wolf (CA) , Diana Payne (CT) , Howard Rutherford (FL)
Chapter Representatives:
(Photo: Susan Leach Snyder)
CARIBWA (Caribbean and Western Atlantic): Martin A. Keeley (Cayman Islands)
FMSEA (Florida Marine Science Educators Association): Julie Childers/ Jim Wharton
GAME (Georgia Association of Marine Education): Maryellen Timmons
GLEAMS (Great Lakes Educators of Aquatic and Marine Science): Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy (IL)
GOMMEA (Gulf of Maine Marine Education Association): Justine Glynn
MAMEA (Mid-Atlantic Marine Educators Association): Amy Sauls (NC)/ Adam Frederick
MME (Massachusetts Marine Educators): Sue Nourse/ Pat Harcourt
NAME (Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators): Julie Hahn (WA)
NJMEA (New Jersey Marine Education Association): Barbara Boyd/ Barbara Kelly
NYSMEA (New York State Marine Educators Association): Hugo Freudenthal/ Sarah Richards
OCEANIA: Sylvia Spalding (HI)
SAME (Southern Association of Marine Educators): Shelia Brown/ Joan Turner (AL)
SCMEA (South Carolina Marine Educators Association): Colette Dryden
SENEME (Southeastern New England Marine Educators): Diana Payne (CT)/ Lauren Rader
SWMEA (Southwest Marine Educators Association): Elizabeth Keenan (CA)
TEAMS (Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Science): Courtney Kroll Thompson
TMEA (Texas Marine Educators Association): Pam Stryker
Committee Chairs:
Awards Committee: Vicki Clark (VA)
Bylaws Committee: Rick Tinnin (TX)
Chapters Committee: Lynn Whitley (CA)
Conference Committee: Paula Keener-Chavis (SC)
Conservation Committee: Amy Miller-Gollenburg (HI)
Executive Committee: Thaxter Tewksbury (CT)
Finance Committee: Don Hudson (ME)
Grants/Funding Committee: Sharon Walker (MS)
History Committee: Susan Snyder (OH/FL)
International Committee: Peter Tuddenham (VA)
Long-Range Planning Committee: John Dindo (AL) and Wendy Allen (SC)
NSTA Liaison Committee: Beth Jewell (VA)
Ocean Literacy: Craig Strang (CA)
Outreach Committee: Bill Hastie (OR) and Carmelina Livingston (SC)
Publications Committee: David Niebuhr (FL)
Scholarship Committee: Ann Coopersmith (HI)
The following awards were presented by President Thaxter Tewksbury at the business meeting at the NMEA National Convention on July 27th in the Abromson Center at the University of Southern Maine in Portland.
James Centorino Award: Dr. Rick Tinnin (TX)
Outstanding Teacher Award: Mellie Lewis (MD)
Marine Education Award: Gary Kreamer (DE)
President's Award: Howard "Mickey" Weiss (CT)
Honorary Member: Dr. Sharon Walker (MS)