Through the Years | Conferences | Presidents | Awards | Stegner Lecture | The Pike
6th NMEA Conference
August 5-8 , Galveston, Texas (Texas A & M)
Theme: Toward the Coastal Frontier
Logo, as it appeared in 1981. (Photo: Susan Leach Snyder)
Executive Committee
President: Jim Schweitzer (LA) (1980-81)
President-Elect: James Lanier (VA)
Treasurer: Harold “Sandy” Wiper (MA)
Secretary: Vicki Osis (OR)
Editor of Current: Les Picker (DE)
Historian: John J. McMahon (OR)
Board of Directors:
(1980-82): Barbara Klemm (HI), Vi Lien (PA), John J. McMahon (OR), Les Picker (DE), Nancy Richardson (NY)
(1981-83): Sue Gammisch (VA), William Hastie (OR), Bernice “Bunny” Nadelman (NY), Jeff Sandler (ME), Lundie Mauldin (now Spence) (NC)
Awards: Robert Abrams (NY)
Chapters: William Hastie (OR)
Conference: Arie Korporaal (CA)
Consultant: Thayer C. Shafer
Curriculum: Frank Sullivan (MA)
Handicapped: Ed Keller (WV)
Honorary Membership: Robert Abrams (NY)
McManis Project: Vi Lien (PA)
Membership: Sue Gammisch (VA)
Minorities & Women: James Hannaham (DC) & Millie Graham (GA)
Museums & Aquaria: Ron Bilodeau (CT)
Nominations: Gregory L. Rhodes (IN)
Professional Development: Barbara Klemm (HI)
Publications: Arie Korporaal (CA)
Public Relations: David Marsh (OH)
Stegner Lecture Series: Nancy Richardson (NY)
Vocational/Technical Education: David Kan (MA)
Linkage With Other Organizations: Linda O'Dierno (NY)
Conference Highlights:
The conference program consisted of two general sessions, 85 scheduled presentations (workshops, panel and gam sessions), and 22 field trips or tours. Highlights included the Stegner Memorial Lecture by Senator A.R. Schwartz; a showcase of major marine education projects from throughout the country; a presentation on aquaculture education; several maritime heritage programs; and sessions on bilingual education, women, minorities, and the physically handicapped. Not so serious was a workshop by Mr. and Mrs. Fish, Jeff Sandler and Deb Hall Sandler. They were very punny (and finny, too!).
Rides at Gilly Pasadena on a mechanical bull, a visit to Sea-Arama Marineworld, the Texas Two-Step, a Texas barbecue and an airline strike all added spice to Vi Lien’s carefully planned schedule.
At the Board Meeting, the decision was made to increase NMEA dues to $15.
Additional Highlights of 1981:
At the beginning of 1981, there were 9 chapters of NMEA:
Connecticut Marine Education Association
Georgia Association of Marine Educators
Gulf of Maine Marine Ed. Association
Marine Education Association of Texas
Massachusetts Marine Educators
Mid-Atlantic Marine Ed. Association
N.J. Marine Education Association
N.Y. State Marine Education Association
Northwest Association of Marine Educators
Two additional chapters affiliated in 1981:
Florida Marine Science Education Association
Southwest Marine Education Association
This was the third year of Current: The Journal of Marine Education. Beginning in 1981, The Center for Environmental Education (CEE) provided NMEA with operating support for Current. That year, there were three general issues, and a fourth titled, “Navy Science Awards Program.’” Three new “columns” were added to current in 1981: 1) “Seafaring with Hal Goodwin,” 2) “Animals of the Sea” by Hermann Janssen, and 3) “Plants of the Sea” by Norm Dill. (Left: Photo by Rosanne Fortner, others by Susan Leach Snyder)