Next year, the National Science Teaching Association’s (NSTA) National Conference which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from March 22 –25, 2023.

Thinking about attending or presenting at the NSTA Annual Conference? Interested in sharing an idea promoting marine science education and being a part of NMEA at NSTA? Submit a session proposal today.

On the first day of the NSTA conference, NMEA sponsors a series of presentations, all in one location and all by NMEA members. This is a great time to showcase NMEA members’ work, especially activities, research, and programs that address the Ocean Literacy Principles. You must be an NMEA member to be considered for this track of sessions and presenters must register for the conference in order to present.

If you would like your proposal to be considered for the NMEA track, please do the following:

  1. Submit a proposal to NSTA (The deadline is September 30, 2022)

  2. Submit the requested information using the form below

If you have questions, please contact David Christopher at If you have already submitted a proposal and want to be considered for the NMEA Track of Sessions, please email the above information to David Christopher, at

The link to the proposal form and information on how to submit a proposal to NSTA can be found at